Most groups that
specialize in a particular field of interest tend to develop a vocabulary all
their own. On the Internet, abbreviations and emoticons are a large part of
communication. They help to convey body language and feelings that would
otherwise be lost in the delivery of typewritten speech. In addition, the support group has developed vocabulary
indigenous to the fight against the addiction.
Abbreviations and Emoticons:
*G* writer is grinning
*S* writer is smiling
LOL laughing out loud
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
VBG very big grin
{{{{{Name}}}}} hugs are given to a friend
:-) happy
:-( sad
;-) wink
Nicotine Addiction Vocabulary:
Chipper A person who can smoke an
occasional cigarette (maybe one or two a month) without ever becoming addicted.
The 'Fat Guys' An endearing
term used to describe the cigarette manufacturers.
Gwap The gooey substance coughed up
during the early stages of quitting as our lungs clean themselves.
Nico-Demon, Nico-Scum Descriptive, personalized names for the addiction. They allow us to focus our fight on something
more tangible than our addictive personality.
Newbie An ex-smoker in the very early
stages of quitting - someone who is new to the support group.
Old Fogey An honorary title given to an
ex-smoker who has remained smoke-free for a year or more.
The "Quit" Used as a noun, the quit encompasses
the time period as well as everything we experience after we stop smoking.
Sickarette A
more realistic version of the word cigarette.
Zybanized Refers to the short-term memory loss
experienced by some group members using anti-depressants as part of their quit